Name | |
Mandarin Language Service | No |
No. of Server Locations | 94+ |
No. of Servers Available | 2000+ |
Taiwan Servers | Yes |
Works in China | Yes |
Nearby servers | Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand |
Encryption Protocols | OpenVPN, L2TP/Ipsec, PPTP |
User Logs details | No User Logs |
Apps | Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Routers |
Simultaneous Connections | 3 |
Pricing - Annual | $99.95 (NT$3050) |
Pricing - Monthly | $12.95 (NT$395) |
Pricing - Other | 6-Months - $59.95 (NT$1835) |
ExpressVPN Information Page
July 10, 2018 •
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